Knowledge of Dust and Use of Respiratory Protective Equipment among Quarry Workers in Edo State, Nigeria
Dust, Knowledge, Quarry workers, Respiratory Protective EquipmentAbstract
Introduction: Dusts are finely divided solid particles with sizes ranging from 0.1 to 150 microns. Good
Knowledge of their potential hazard is key to maintaining good health in the quarry industry because
this will inform workers in the quarry industry on the need to avoid undue inhalation of this noxious
substance by minimizing dust generation and use of Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) as and
when due.
Aim: The study was aimed at determining the knowledge of dust and use of Respiratory Protective
Equipment (RPE) among quarry workers with a view to protecting workers in this industry from
respiratory problems.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was utilized for this study. Knowledge of dust as hazard
and use of Respiratory Protective Equipment were carried out with the aid of an intervieweradministered questionnaire adapted from the validated respiratory questionnaire. Data were entered
and analyzed with IBM SPSS version 20 software. Statistical test of association was used to test the
association between characteristics of interest. Knowledge score of 0-4 points (less than 50%) was
regarded as poor knowledge and Knowledge score of 5-10 points (50-100%) was regarded as good
Results: Total population of quarry workers (420) found in the quarry industries was surveyed at the
time of the study but 411 of them agreed to participate in the study giving a response rate of 97.9%.
Most of the respondents (92.0%) had good knowledge of dust as hazard while 96.4% of them had good
knowledge of RPE and 91.0% of them use the provided RPE in the work place.
Conclusion: Findings from this study underscore the need for workers in the quarry industry to have
good knowledge of dust and RPE so that appropriate measures can be put in place to protect workers
from hazards in the quarry industry